Urban Minotity Alcoholism Drug Abuse Outreach Program of Franklin County

2720Airport Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43219

Populations we serve:
Legal system disparities
Substance Use
Trauma Initiatives:
Community resilience
Resilience building
After-School Care
Care-giver support
Mind, body, soul (mindfulness)

Our Mission

Our Mission is to create healthy communities in Franklin County.

More about our Organization

The Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program of Franklin County (UMADAOPFC} provides alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs {ATOD} education and prevention services using evidenced-based , culturally specific and age-appropriate strategies for the African American Community, including reentry and wraparound services.
Since 1985, we have partnered with a wide array of service providers, business, schools and other organizations and agencies to ensure our community is being provided with sufficient resources that are culturally relevant to build healthy , productive, drug free lifestyles.

Contact Person: Tammy Derden
Executive Director

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